Apr 3Liked by Tom Mills

Love the Wednesday rants!

Some companies now have digital filing cabinets - still just filing cabinets though and just as much use in 2024 as they where in 2010 (and before)

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Apr 3Liked by Tom Mills

For what it's worth Tom, I really enjoy the Wednesday rant, and can usually resonate with your thoughts! Geraint

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I don't think I have to tell you that I love the Wednesday rants - there's something honest and direct about them that's so refreshing in this over PR'd world of today and I'd be sorry to see them go, although it occurs to me that there can only be so much to rant about. Whilst it's true that us Brits are known for being too polite to complain in so many situations, we also have a threshold after which we lash out with a rant. The tolerance limit is probably different in each of us, but let's face it, most people in Procurement are not held back by the fear of a confrontation, even if a professionally executed one, so I say embrace it!

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I’ve always been open, sharing my knowledge and insights with both procurement and non-procurement colleagues. I get a lot in return not just the corporate guff but real insights in to what’s really happening. That’s a fair exchange.

I think what you have to say is important, so much so I’ve recommended your LinkedIn posts to colleagues

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